So Easy to Preserve (SETP) is a home food preservation book released by the Cooperative Extension at the University of Georgia.
It is considered one of the two top-most authoritative books in the field of home canning; the other being the USDA Complete Guide. So Easy is a sound and thorough source of advice on freezing and drying. All recipes and guidance in the book have been lab-tested for quality and safety, so you don’t have to work with hit and miss advice off the Internet.
More information about the book is here; you can order the book here.
The book also has a separate DVD video series. It consists of eight shows (20 to 35 minutes each) which expand on and add to the book. (They do not contain the book, that is separate.)
The following home food preserving video snippets, uploaded by the University of Georgia to You Tube, are — we believe — from those tutorials. (Any that aren’t, are still from the same people at the University of Georgia.) For your convenience, we list these below (list valid as of November 2017.)
Here is a list of these on the National Center’s site.
To be clear: these are just snippets, the DVD videos for So Easy to Preserve are far longer.