Most people who purchase Presto pressure canners end up, sooner or later, purchasing one or both of the following two accessories, which are sold separately.
Other pressure canner makers seem to give you these accessories included. Presto canners cost less up front, but they seem to get you on the accessories! But still, these two accessories will change your canning life — seriously.
Note: when shopping on Amazon, you can see some crazy high prices for these. Make sure to compare, as they actually aren’t that much!
Presto adjustable 3-piece regulator
For both the 16 and the 23-quart models, most users strongly advise people to purchase the Presto adjustable 3-piece regulator that converts the machines to “dual gauge.”
The Presto part number is 50332.
The regulator works for models that begin with: 01751 (18 quart dial gauge), 01781 and 01784 (23 quart dial gauges), 01745 (16 quart, weight only) and 01755 (16 quart, dial gauge). This regulator is so useful, that we’ve dedicated a separate page to it.
Here’s an Amazon link. Amazon links change over time and they don’t give anyone any notice. Make sure you buy the 3-piece one with Presto part number 50332. Ask someone on Amazon if you have to before buying, and though price varies by phase of the moon on Amazon, you should never have to pay more than 15 to 30 dollars for it in North America at the very very most! If you see it costing more than that, keep searching, cheaper will turn up.
Presto canning rack for pressure canner
For the 23 quart models, most users also advise to also get the second, extra rack for double decking; it costs so little and makes it more stable and safe for stacked jars.
For the Presto 16 quart, it can be useful as well, allowing shorter jars such as ¼ litre (½ US pint) salmon jars to be stacked for pressure canning.
The Presto part number is 85360.
The rack works for models that begin with: 01751 (18 quart dial gauge), 01781 and 01784 (23 quart dial gauges), 01745 (16 quart, weight only) and 01755 (16 quart, dial gauge).
See our page about stacking canners.
This should cost no more than around 10 to 20 bucks in North America, depending on seller, phase of the moon and country you are in. If you see it costing more than that, keep searching, cheaper will turn up.
In a pinch, you can always use an inexpensive metal Chinese dumpling steaming rack as an extra canning rack. These should cost no more than a few dollars in Chinatown or at a Chinese grocery store.
Presto Gasket
If you do heavy-duty pressure canning, your Presto pressure canner will for sure every year need a new gasket.
They are also inexpensive, and should cost you no more than around 10 to 15 bucks in North America.
We’ve covered that topic here.
Presto Pressure Canner Topics
Presto Pressure Canner 3-piece Regulator Weight
Presto Pressure Canner Accessories
Cecil Frost
Can I buy a replacement rocker post to go in the center of my pressure cooker? As a long-time user of Presto cookers and canners I want a new stainless cooker, either 8 or 10 qt but I don’t think I could ever trust the plastic pressure valve on the 8 qt 01370.
I plan on drilling the center of the lid on the 01370 and installing the traditional, tried & true safe Presto rocker regulator.
Thank you