This pickled beet salad is sweet, sour and creamy all at the same time, with the light aroma and taste of dill weed.
It’s delicious with a summer meal of hamburgers or hot dogs, but also welcome in the fall with grilled pork.
You could also make this with plain beets, depending on what you have to hand and what direction you want the taste to go in.
Best made several hours (or a day) ahead to chill and to allow the flavours to marry.
This recipe works well with either home-canned pickled beets, or home-canned plain beets. With the plain beets, it will just have less tang.
(To be clear, this is a “cooking with canning you have already done” recipe. This is not a recipe for canning.)
This recipe uses:
The recipe
Pickled Beet Salad
- 1 litre jar pickled beets (1 US quart jar. )
- 2 tablespoons sour cream (fat-free. Or regular)
- dill weed (few pinches dried)
- salt
- ground black pepper
- Drain beets.
- Put beets in a medium-large mixing bowl.
- Add sour cream, dill weed ,salt sub, and black pepper.
- Toss gently.
- Refrigerate covered in fridge for several hours or overnight.
- Garnish with a few more pinches of dill weed before serving.
Nutrition based on sugar and salt free pickled beets being used.
Per 1 cup (150 g / 5 oz):
- 97 calories, 152 mg sodium
- Weight Watchers PointsPlus®: 2 points
* Nutrition info provided by
* PointsPlus™ calculated by Not endorsed by Weight Watchers® International, Inc, which is the owner of the PointsPlus® registered trademark.
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